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Ford Focus 3 2013 не горить ближний свет

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Здравствуйте. Проблема с блоком бсм, перечитал весь интернет, выход с блока на обе фары 7,7 вольт.

Может кто-то лечил эти блоки, ошибок куча. Через скан док не удаляются. Подскажите, блок без коррозии. Физических повреждений нет 


Изменено пользователем hamman
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Да, блок под замену.

Проверяется просто.

1. Не трутся ошибки

2. Ставишь другой блок без привязки, на выключенном зажигании, моргаешь дальним- горит ближний 30 секунд.

Блок меняется с дилерским доступом.

Блок подберу, в Ижевск отправлю.

Изменено пользователем rrvaliev
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Был такой недавно. Поставили не штатный ксенон. Перестал гореть ближний после возврата на галоген. Ошибки тоже не стирались. Пока контролькой лазил, включал/выключал фары - стёр ошибки и на этот раз они стёрлись. Потом когда ставил назад уже лампы - перестало гореть опять, ошибки где стараются. Покурил 5 минут и стёрлись.


Нежный очень bcm

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Field-Effect Transistor (FET) Protection

A Field-Effect Transistor (FET) is a type of transistor that, when used with module software, monitors and controls current flow on module outputs. The FET protection strategy prevents module damage in the event of excessive current flow.

The BCM utilizes a FET protective circuit strategy for many of its outputs (such as a headlamp output circuit). Output loads (current level) are monitored for excessive current (typically short circuits) and are shut down when a fault event is detected. A short circuit DTC is stored at the fault event and a cumulative counter is started.

When the demand for the output is no longer present, the module resets the FET protection, allowing the circuit to function. If the circuit is still shorted the next time the driver requests a circuit to activate that has been shut down by a previous short ( FET protection), the FET protection shuts off the circuit again and the cumulative counter advances.

When the excessive circuit load occurs often enough, the module shuts down the output until a repair procedure is carried out. Each FET protected circuit has 3 predefined levels of short circuit tolerance based on the harmful effect of each circuit fault on the FET and the ability of the FET to withstand it. A module lifetime level of fault events is established based upon the durability of the FET . If the total tolerance level is determined to be 600 fault events, the 3 predefined levels would be 200, 400 and 600 fault events.

When a tolerance level is reached, the short circuit DTC that was stored on the first failure cannot be cleared by the clear the continuous DTCs command. The module does not allow this code to be cleared or the circuit restored to normal operation until a successful self-test proves that the fault has been repaired. After the self-test has successfully completed (no on-demand DTCs present), DTC U1000:00 and the associated DTC (the DTC related to the shorted circuit) automatically clears and the circuit function returns. The module never resets the fault event counter to zero and continues to advance the fault event counter as short circuit fault events occur.

If the number of short circuit fault events reach the third level, then DTCs U1000:00 and U3000:49 set along with the associated short circuit DTC. DTC U3000:49 cannot be cleared and the module must be replaced after the repair.

The BCM FET protected output circuits for the turn lamps system are the front turn and mirror turn lamp output circuits.


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