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Opel Insignia_2.0L 2008Yer Ош U1501(00)

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Вопрос на засыпку. Как расшифровывается ошибка. В ТИСе не нашёл. Ошибка в блоке управления головным светом. Смотрел Скан-Доком.

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Control Module Communication Bus A Off Invalid Data .... Invalid Data Received From Power Take-Off Control Module. U1501 00 ... (INSIGNIA only: Left Hand Drive: M74P Window Motor - Passenger, Right Hand Drive: M74D Window Motor


U1501 00


LIN Bus 1



U1502 00


LIN Bus 2

Изменено пользователем SHTIFT
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DTC U1500-U15BF

Diagnostic Instructions• Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle prior to using this diagnostic procedure.

• Review Strategy Based Diagnosis for an overview of the diagnostic approach.

• Diagnostic Procedure Instructions provides an overview of each diagnostic category.


DTC Descriptor


Refer to Control Module U Code List .

Circuit/System Description


The serial data is transmitted over a Local Interconnect Network (LIN) single wire network circuit bus between a master control module and other control modules within a particular subsystem. If serial data communication is lost between any of the control modules on the LIN bus network, a no communication code against the non-communicating control module will be set. A master control module is the one that reports the non communication code. Note: a loss of serial data communications DTC does not represent a failure of the master control module that set it.

Diagnostic Aids• A control module may have a U-code stored in history that does not require any repairs. Issues with late or corrupted messages between control modules can be temporary with no apparent symptom or complaint; this does not mean the control module is faulty. Do not replace a control module based only on a history U-code.

• Do not replace a control module reporting a U-code. The U-code identifies which control module needs to be diagnosed for a communication issue.

• Communication will be available between the master control module and the scan tool if there is a loss of communications with any of the other control modules on the LIN bus network.

• An open in the LIN bus serial data circuit between the splice pack and a module will only affect that specific module. This type of failure will set a loss of communication DTC for each control module affected and the other control modules will still communicate.

• Some intermittent communication concerns may be caused by fretting corrosion on the serial data circuit terminals. Inspect all connectors at the control module that set the communication DTC, the control module that the communication DTC was set against, and any inline harness connectors between the two control modules. Do not replace a control module based only on fretting corrosion. Refer to bulletin 09-06-03-004 for assistance with the diagnosis and repair of this condition..


Reference Information


Schematic Reference


Data Communication Schematics


Connector End View Reference


Component Connector End Views


Description and Operation


Data Link Communications Description and Operation


Electrical Information Reference• Circuit Testing

• Connector Repairs

• Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections

• Wiring Repairs


Circuit/System Testing


Note: • Use the schematic to identify the following:

- LIN devices the vehicle are equipped with

- The LIN device's B+, ignition, ground, and serial data circuit terminals

• Use the Control Module U-Code list to determine which control module is not communicating with the master control module. Refer to Control Module U Code List .

• A loss of serial data communications DTC does not represent a failure of the master control module that set it.


1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at a LIN device that is not communicating.

2. Test for less than 10 Ω between each ground circuit terminal and ground.

⇒ If greater than the specified range, test the ground circuit for an open/high resistance.

3. If equipped, verify that a test lamp illuminates between each B+ circuit terminal and ground.

⇒ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the B+ circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the circuit fuse is open, test the control circuits of the LIN device for a short to ground. If the circuits test normal, replace the LIN device.

4. If equipped, ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates between each ignition circuit terminal and ground.

⇒ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the ignition circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the circuit fuse is open, test the control circuits of the LIN device for a short to ground. If the circuits test normal, replace the LIN device.

5. Ignition ON, test for 2-12 V between the LIN serial data circuit and ground.

⇒ If greater than the specified range, test the LIN serial data circuit for a short to voltage. If the circuit tests normal, replace the master control module.

⇒ If less than the specified range, test the LIN serial data circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the master control module.

6. If all circuits test normal, replace the LIN device.


Repair Instructions


Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification after completing the diagnostic procedure.• GMLAN Wiring Repairs

• Control Module References for control module replacement, programming and setup


Вить, сам переведёшь? :smile:

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:biggrin: Недопустимые данные, полученные от вала отбора мощности модуля управления U1501 00 ... ( INSIGNIA только: с левым рулем: M74P мотора окна пассажира)
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Вроде понятно все в 3 посте. Отсутствие связи по шине LIN. Проверяйте провода шины и питание на блоках, в которых ошибки связи по LIN. Если не поможет, почитайте бюллетень 09-06-03-004. Если опять не поможет, меняйте блоки по одному :biggrin:

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Жесть.....Всё понятно... ни хрена не понял. Спасибо Жека!!!

Если ошибка в блоке управления светом, то скорее всего одна из фар не выходит на связь. Посмотри, если сломаны крепления фары (легкое дтп например), то однозначно в фаре вода, блок управления залит.

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Не работает задний правый стеклоподъемник, я уже указывал проблему в одной из тем. Отгнивает обжимка провода шины ЛИН (провод серого цвета в общем жгуте) под водительским порогом и бодик теряет связь с мотор-редуктором.

Изменено пользователем VS.
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Если ошибка в блоке управления светом, то скорее всего одна из фар не выходит на связь. Посмотри, если сломаны крепления фары (легкое дтп например), то однозначно в фаре вода, блок управления залит.

Здесь я ошибся, там была другая ошибка, не U1501.



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